Buy crypto with Apple & Google Pay.
Buy ETH, BNB, MATIC and USDC in a few clicks in over 180 countries.

Your keys, your coins.
Only you can access your funds, not Minke or anyone else. Minke is a self custodial wallet that gives you direct access to the new world of money.

Web3 without the transaction fees.
You won't run into those expensive gas fees you may have heard about. Minke supports low fee networks like Polygon with fees so low that we pay them for you.

How much has my currency lost
against the US dollar over the years?

Learn how to upgrade your money

Why Minke Exists
At Minke we're building a self-custodial wallet that replaces exchanges and fintechs. We're simply the best way to experience money.

Why Self Custody Matters
Learn why self-custody should be the default in crypto and how to protect your money.

What are stablecoins?
Learn more about the different types of stablecoins and how they work.
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